Parental Cancer. 2017. Moore C, Rauch P. In: Children and Young People’s Response to Parental Illness. Eds: Morley D, et al. CRC Press. 106-129.
Addressing the Needs of Children When a Parent Has Cancer. 2015. Moore C, Rauch P. In: Psycho-Oncology, 3rd Edition. Eds: Holland J, et al. Oxford University Press. 579-584.
Parent Guidance for Medically Ill Parents. 2015. Mankey V, Moore C. In: Psychiatric Care of the Medical Patient, 3rd Edition. Eds: Fogel B, Greenberg D. Oxford University Press. 218-229.
Supporting Parents with Cancer: Screening and Psycho-education. 2015. Moore C, Muriel A, Rauch P. In: Psycho-Oncology: A Quick Reference on the Psychosocial Dimensions of Cancer Symptom Management, 2nd Edition. Eds: Holland J, et al. Oxford University Press. 127-132.
Development and Evaluation of Targeted Psychological Skills Training for Oncology Nurses in Managing Stressful Patient and Family Encounters. 2013. Traeger L, Park E, Sporn N, Repper-DeLisi J, Convery MS, et al. Oncology Nursing Forum. 40(4): E327-E336.
When A Parent Has Cancer: Supporting Healthy Child Development During Challenging Times. 2012. Swick S, Rauch P. In: Pediatric Psycho-Oncology: Psychosocial Aspects and Clinical Interventions, 2nd Edition. Eds: Kreitler S, et al. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 246-259.
Parenting with Cancer I: Developmental Perspective, Communication, and Coping. 2012. Russell K, Rauch P. In: Reproductive Health and Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults. Eds: Quinn G, Vadaparampil S. Springer. 131-140.
Parenting with Cancer II: Parenting at Different Stages of Illness. 2012. Russell K, Rauch P. In: Reproductive Health and Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults. Eds: Quinn G, Vadaparampil S. Springer. 141-150.
When a Patient's Parent has Cancer: The Pediatrician's Role. 2010. Moore C, Mankey V. Contemporary Pediatrics. 27(2): 48-64.
Consultation to Parents with Serious Medical Illness: Parenting at a Challenging Time. 2009. Russell K, Rauch P. In: Handbook of General Hospital Psychiatry, 6th Edition. Eds: Stern T, Cassem N. Mosby. 583-592.
Children Facing the Death of a Parent: The Experiences of a Parent Guidance Program at The Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center. 2006. Swick S, Rauch P. Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 15(3): 779-794.
Adult Cancer Patients as Parents: What Do Oncologists and Primary Care Providers Know? 2005. Moore C, Muriel A, Pirl W, Beiser M, Rauch P. Psycho-Oncology. 14(Supplement 1): S58.
Communicating with Children When a Parent is Dying. 2017. Moore C, Rauch P. In: Oxford Textbook of Communication in Oncology and Palliative Care. Eds: Kissane D, et al. Oxford University Press.
Suggestions for Patients on How to Talk With Children About a Parent’s Cancer. 2003. Muriel A, Rauch P. Journal of Supportive Oncology. 1(2): 143-145.
The Power of Presence: Finding Hope in an Oncology Support Group Setting. 2014. Berrett-Abebe J, Convery MS. In: Hope Matters: The Power of Social Work. Eds: Clark E, Hoffler E. NASW Press. 59-62.
When a Parent has Cancer: A Community Based Program for School Personnel. 2007. Fasciano K, Berman H, Moore C, et al. Psycho-Oncology. 16(2): 158–167.
Parents With Cancer: Who’s Looking After the Children? 2003. Rauch P, Muriel A, Cassem N. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 20(21): 4399-4402.
When a Parent has Cancer: Lessons Learned From 20 Years of Parent Guidance. 2016. Rauch P. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 55(10S): S58-S59.
A Population-Based Estimate of Cancer Survivors Residing With Minor Children. 2010. Rauch P, Moore C. Cancer. 116(18): 4218-4220.
You Are Only As Happy As Your Most Unhappy Child. 2007. Rauch P. Psycho-Oncology. 16(2): 99-100.
Psychometric Properties of the Parenting Concerns Questionnaire in Cancer Survivors With Minor and Young Adult Children. 2016. Inhestern L, Bultmann J, Beierlein V, Möller B, Romer G, Muriel A, Moore C, et al. Psycho-Oncology. 25(9): 1092-1098.
Parenting Changes in Adults with Cancer. 2015. Moore C, Rauch P, et al. Cancer. 121(19): 3551-3557.
An Assessment of Parenting Concerns in Adults with Cancer. 2014. Moore C, Muriel A, Rauch P. Psycho-Oncology. 23(Supplement 1): 63.
Measuring Psychosocial Distress and Parenting Concerns among Adults with Cancer: The Parenting Concerns Questionnaire. 2012. Muriel A, Moore C, Baer L, Park E, Kornblith A, Pirl W, Prigerson H, Ing J, Rauch P. Cancer. 118(22): 5671-5678.
Psychosocial Adjustment and Perceived Risk Among Adolescent Girls From Families With BRCA1/2 or Breast Cancer History. 2016. Bradbury A, Patrick-Miller L, Schwartz L, Burke Sands C, Egelston B, Henry-Moss D, Domchek S, Daly M, Tuchman L, Moore C, Rauch P, et al. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 34(28): 3409-3416.
Psychosocial Adjustment in School-age Girls With a Family History of Breast Cancer. 2015. Bradbury A, Patrick-Miller L, Schwartz L, Egleston B, Burke Sands C, Chung W, Glendon G, McDonald J, Moore C, Rauch P, et al. Pediatrics. 136(5): 927-937.
Perceptions of Breast Cancer Risk, Psychological Adjustment & Behaviors in Adolescent Girls at High-Risk and Population-Risk for Breast Cancer. 2014. Bradbury A, Patrick-Miller L, Egleston B, Schwartz L, Tuchman L, Moore C, Rauch P, Daly M. Journal of Adolescent Health. 54(2): S87.
Helping Grieving Children and Adolescents. 2018. Moore C. In: Current Clinical Psychiatry: Clinical Handbook of Bereavement and Grief Reactions. Ed: Bui E. Series Ed: Rosenbaum J.Humana Press. 189-215.
Parenting with a Life-Limiting Illness. 2018. Shea S, Moore C. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics. 27(4): 567-578.
What Do Children Wish for From a Dying Parent? A Qualitative Exploration. 2014. Muriel A, Moore C, Park E, Rauch P. Psycho-Oncology. 23(Supplement 1): 107-108.