Parents facing the challenges of a serious illness might find a number of PACT’s publications helpful. You may also want to visit other resources on our site, a section that provides a sampling of other helpful sources of information for both people who are ill and professionals who care for them.
From the PACT team, suggestions for starting and continuing conversations with children about a parent's cancer. Includes ideas for words to use to describe cancer and changes in a parent's functioning to children, that parents can use as a starting point from which to develop their own phrasing.
Paula Rauch & Anna Muriel. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2006.
This practical guide helps parents understand their child’s stage of development, temperament, emotions and possible reactions at difficult times. A supportive text for parents as they encourage and foster their child’s resiliency, emotional health, and well-being.
Kristin Russell, Peter Adams, Cynthia Moore, Mary Susan Convery, Sarah Shea, Paula Rauch. Marjorie E. Korff Parenting At a Challenging Time Program; 2014.
PACT developed this written toolkit for educators—classroom teachers, principals, school counselors, school nurses and others—who support students who have a parent with cancer or another serious illness. This interactive guide discusses the ways in which educators can support their students by bolstering their resilience, monitoring for behavioral and academic challenges, and communicating with parents.
Cynthia Moore & Paula Rauch. Marjorie E. Korff Parenting At a Challenging Time Program; 2015.
Designed as a resource that parents could turn to in a time of crisis, or ideally in advance of a crisis, this PACT handbook provides practical information about children’s reactions to crisis at different ages and ideas about how to support a child’s resilience and facilitate open communication. The full guide, as well as individual sections, are available for download.
Susan Fitzgerald. Living Beyond Breast Cancer: Insight Articles; 2016.
A brief article, featuring PACT's Dr. Cindy Moore, which discusses the challenges for parents of talking about a difficult diagnosis.